I’m so thrilled that you are all out there soaking up as much feng shui information as you can – which I’m sure is making the world a better place one home at a time (my mission statement!) I will continue serving up as much feng shui and healthy lifestyle information as I can!
And another question came in from Jen F that I also want to address as long as I’m clearing things up:
Jen asked why I mentioned earth element for the Skills and Knowledge Gua – which is also not mentioned in my book. Well, the answer is that indeed, the element associated with Skills and Knowledge is Earth. (The elements of the 4 corners were taken out as an editing decision back in the day.) Rounding out the corner elements, there’s the Prosperity Gua with Wood, The Relationship Gua with Earth too, and the Helpful People Gua with Metal (thus that METAL helpful people box.) So there you have it — the elements of the 4 corners of the bagua.
Anyway, my current thinking for Skills and Knowledge Gua is to add earth element, yellows and earth tones, flat or horizontal shapes as well as the traditional Skills and Knowledge bagua blue color and not use the black and green colors as much if at all.
Walk into any of your rooms, or stand in the threshold of the architecturally-intended front door, then TURN LEFT and walk to the farthest point you can go – this is what we call the “Skills and Knowledge Gua.” This part of your home or room holds the energy for you to gather insights, wisdom, knowledge or any information you will need to proceed with a task. For example, can you say to yourself, “I have all the wisdom and expertise I need to ______fill in the blank__________” with confidence as you are about to begin doing something? If not, then a little fluff-up in this area might be helpful to you.
Picture this part of your house like a mountain that has a Zen-type monk hiding away in a cave somewhere in it, who is meditating to search and find the answers to your problems. That is kind of the feel of the type of energy we are looking to achieve here. And THAT is why you would want to add still, going-nowhere but inside to reflect, wise or otherwise skillful symbols or items in this area to promote (like attracts like!) this type of outcome for you.
I think that one of the best ways to achieve this energy is to place things made of earth (tiles, stones, rocks, boulders, mountains, hills, sand, pebbles, etc.) to this part of the room or home with intentions of inviting that still, calm, clear-minded energy to you. I often place pictures of mountains here (you can take a simple calendar picture and even hide it in a cabinet if you don’t want to ruin the current décor) to add earth in symbol there.
As an additional boost, place symbols that feel like you have wisdom or are in-the-know here as well. If you are looking for skills for a new tech job, perhaps placing pictures of your tech gurus in this area can be helpful, for example.
Feel free to send me your one-of-a-kind symbol along with the success story that happened because of your intentional placement!
Hi Karen
My skills and knowledge area is also my bedroom. Some life events left me with depression and insomnia, it takes one to understand another, so let’s just say that crying myself to sleep is far from what life should be. I am astronomer aficionado so I had a nebula tapestry on the head bed wall. I felt always disconnected in the clouds until I read this article and changed the wall tapestry for a similar one to your above picture of the grand canyon. I admit that I sleep a little better and I feel my room calmer and more grounded. I collect natural crystals (stones) which I placed there too. I wish to find love, what colors are suitable as quilt covers ?
Get the room to look like a loving couple lives there and make room for that partner to actually BE there – no cold white on bed is my best guess unless I can see what I’m talking about. Send in your bedroom pics and join in on the live calls via here: https://karenrauchcarter.com/move-your-stuff-with-karen-membership/ the first month is free and you cna unsubscribe anytyime!
Hi Karen
My skills and knowledge area is also my bedroom. Some life events left me with depression and insomnia, it takes one to understand another, so let’s just say that crying myself to sleep is far from what life should be. I am astronomer aficionado so I had a nebula tapestry on the head bed wall. I felt always disconnected in the clouds until I read this article and changed the wall tapestry for a similar one to your above picture of the grand canyon. I admit that I sleep a little better and I feel my room calmer and more grounded. I collect natural crystals (stones) which I placed there too. I wish to find love, what colors are suitable as quilt covers ?
So much to unpack here. https://karenrauchcarter.com/move-your-stuff-with-karen-membership/ is the link to send in pictures and floor plans and to get on live calls for me to really ask teh right questions to get you the best answers. In short, I would seriously try to get your place – however small or whatever it is – to read to a stranger that walks in as “obviously a happy healthy in-love couple lives here.” if you can do it on your own – go for it and let me know the results, If not, join our little online group and learn along with the group!