Ok, now it’s time to learn more about feng shui and how it can help you! Every aspect in life falls into the “map of feng shui” (AKA The Bagua) so I thought I’d take a moment to give you another tid-bit to consider in each area of the bagua. After watching this video, you will have another connection – based on your position in the family oddly enough – between what’s goin on in your life and what’s going on in your house. Let me know what you find! Sometimes it can be quite comical!?!? Here’s the link to my book Move Your Stuff Change Your Life CLICK HERE Got a question you’d like to run by me or show me your feng shui work to get my take on it? Join my Move Your Stuff with Karen group and ask me on the live calls that happen twice a month. The first month is free and you can unsubscribe anytime…a serious no-brainer, right? – Move Your Stuff with Karen Membership Have more than a simple question? I can help you one-on-one if you need me. Click on any of the links below 🙂 On-Site Consultation Virtual Consultation |
My only son just had his wife leave.. they share their daughter but his X dominated him in their relationship.. he worked she spent the money and tryed to bull him over. May still be stealing from him but hes still insecure about living alone. He wont get rid of his paintings of skeletons in the right middle area back middle as well as a tattoo on his arm .. in his area front right going up to the relationship area is the stairs going up.. any advise.. I’m just finally allowed to be around him. The X motherinlaw was also a bully to him and dominated him.
Place fire element in your back center area {fame and reputation gua} with intentions of having the courage to allow others to learn the lessons in life that they need to learn. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink my dear friend…If he is interested, have him join my live group calls and I can help answer his questions…https://karenrauchcarter.com/move-your-stuff-with-karen-membership/
It is difficult to honor other people’s life lessons, I know. But it is not your task to “fix” a grown man. 🙁