I wanted to share a little note I received the other day in response to a recent email I sent out, as I think it demonstrates love in such a profound way…
Hi Karen,
Although I cannot afford a consultation with you right now, or to become a student of yours, I am just writing to express my gratitude to you. I am also aware of how many copies of your book I have given away or loaned. To loan out that wonderful text is to give it away. . .you are right, it doesn’t ever come back! I love you and your work. Thank you for being such a blessing in my life. (notice that he is in the vibration of gratitude just like I describe on page 23 of Make a Shift Change Your Life)
I have finally met the woman of my dreams, the one I intend to marry. And I connect this with what I have learned from you over the years. . .ever since the first time you visited my apartment in San Jose, California back in about 2004 which was shortly after I read your book for the first time. The main thing is this: I used feng shui to actively explore, and to eventually purify myself of anything that was less than my highest good. It is as if meeting my true love was finally inevitable.
Bless You and Thank You,
Nathaniel Question: who has just now fallen in love with Nathaniel? Can’t you just hear the confident serenity and sense the love in his words? This is a man who has done his work – both inner and outer!
I wanted to share this to reiterate that we are already LOVE. All we have to do is remove all the things that aren’t. Then, like Nathaniel said, it can’t help but come to you. That’s the “like attracts like” physics equation at work.
So, where are you NOT being your true self expression of love? Are you being self-righteous about someone or something? Got a chip on your shoulder about an ex or lover of long ago? If so, then guess what you are going to attract?
Dig in your internal conversations and see what shows up around relationships.
Do you think it’s not possible to actually find the right person because they don’t exist? Do you, deep down where no one has ever been allowed, think that any relationship feels like it limits you in some way? (If so, then see page 46 of Make a Shift, Change Your Life to shift that!) LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE! That’s why there’s a saying “You don’t get what you want, you get what you expect.”
If you have found that lover – celebrate! That’s what TODAY is all about! If not, I invite you to look for “the one” by looking inward and seeing what needs to be swept out and “purified” to keep you energetically in your highest good, in order to draw that love your way.
To love oneself is to give yourself the opportunity to love another and have that other recognize the REAL YOU. When I’m not “feeling LOVE,” I hitch on to the emotion of gratitude, which immediately sheds and purifies thoughts, feelings, and emotions inconsistent LOVE (the REAL ME!). Give it a try – it really works! Don’t believe me? Try to BE in gratitude and angry or resentful at the same time. You just can’t.
Nathaniel figured it out. When he stays consistent with his true nature as a loving being, he sees love around him.
Take a stand for love today. And if it feels totally elusive, find something to be grateful for, as gratitude is the gateway for love.
If you need help with anything, you know where to find me.
In deep gratitude for everyone today…right now…..
Does the upstairs have to mirror the downstairs for each area?
I have placed various items in the upstairs but the same corner downstairs is the kitchen with a cooker hob in the corner.
I can’t figure out what you are saying but if you want to join the live calls, (you can unsubscribe whenever you want!) and even send in pictures so I can see, then I think I might be abvle to give you an intelligent answer:https://karenrauchcarter.com/move-your-stuff-with-karen-membership/