Yesterday, my acquaintance neighbor stopped by today to offer me his 17″ computer screen as he was getting a new computer. (When you’ve got your house feng shui’d like I do, opportunities are always knocking. ) I asked him how his wife was (she has terminal cancer) and he said, “sleeping.” He then added that he needed to get a new heating blanket for the bed because it has been so cold lately, and she doesn’t like getting into a cold bed. Well, at that point, I could not contain myself. I said, you do know that my job is to create healthy homes for people, right? (He’s an older gent with a Parkinson’s-like shake, so I didn’t want to presume he remembered.) So off I went. “Do you unplug it after you heat up the bed?” “No, but we do turn it off.”I continued, “All I can say is that 100% of my clients who have issues of arthritis, rheumatoid issues and MS have electric or electromagnetic fields (meaning the invisible, “charged-up” field that is often created when electricity is being drawn) where they spend a lot of time – usually in their bed. And 100% of my clients who don’t – don’t.” I then invited him inside so I could go get my Gauss meter (that reads EMF) and my electrical field meter. I showed him that even though a lamp, heating blanket (or other electrical item) is of, it still has an electrical field around it because the electricity is still in the cord all the way up to the switch. And that is any part of your body is in the field, your body is conducting electricity. “Now, here’s how I explain what electrical current does to the body: Electricity causes our cells to vibrate, the vibration causes friction, friction causes heat, and heat causes dryness, and dryness causes stiffness – AKA arthritis.”
“Now, if your body is in these fields long term, it doesn’t do such a good job of repairing itself at night (that’s why we sleep), and when it “gets behind,” it tends to shows signs of dis-integration – AKA illness. So, if you spend a lot of time in a massage chair, touching a heating pad, blanket, or have ANYTHING plugged in touching your bed (those sleep number beds maybe???) then you’ve got the potential of sleeping in these fields. You also have a possibility of sleeping in these fields if there is something plugged in on the other side of your headboard wall. (There are actually other ways that I could go on and on with, but I think you get the idea.)
He then asked for my advice, and of course I told him I’d be glad to run over when she woke up to test the bed area. Hopefully, once she feels better after her chemo treatment, he’ll take me up on it.
So, what does this have to do with you? I’d like to hear from you. Do you have arthritis, MS or some other disease in this “family?” If so, do you know if you spend a lot of time in electromagnetic fields? Do you use a heating blanket, pad, massage chair, spa tub, have radiant floor heating, fluorescent lighting, or otherwise spend a lot of time around electricity and items with electrical motors (even hair blowdryers have big EMF fields!) If you do, I’d love to know how you’re holding up!
Here is a video I did on how EMF’s affect your health…
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If a hot heating pad is unplugged, is it then safe to place it on a sore spot on one’s body or are EMF effects still likely to negatively affect one’s body? Please advise.
I have seen everything from joint issues to brain issues to infertility, etc…
Hi Karen it’s me Charisse do you remember me we were on the Norwegian Getaway going to France and Spain right after covid there were no kids on board and I was the one at all your seminars who had mirrors all over her room behind her bed across from her as soon as you open the door and I had a lot of high energy and a lot of clutter.
I have been following all your emails and always keep you in mind ironically about 6 months after I got back from cruise I let a little girl Neighbor come to my house who brought bed bugs and I had to throw away so many things I remember you said floods and all kind of things will start happening when you put out in the atmosphere you want to de-clutter.
A concern I recently have as I’m aware that in my basement there is a tube – electrical conduit where all the electricity wires from everone elses unit runs through this pipe through my apartment (it is in cases in a metal tube a bout 5 inches think & about 7 feet long). it is such a beautiful space down in the basement & I and I’m making it into my workout area but I’m concerned if (there is EmF coming from this tube, & if there is if) these EMF could possibly affect me I’m not planning to spend long hours down in the basement the most 2-3 hours a day would like your opinion on how safe that is for my health thank you.
&btw I moved my bed without the mirror behind my headboard and I feel so much better I’m not looking to the past as much anymore which I was constantly doing my energy is regulated out thank you so much!!
As long as TVs/ electtic items are unplugged at night in bedroom and there’s nothing plugged into the wall that your headboard is on that makes it’s safer with EMF during the night for sleeping right.
Well, I can’t say for sure about what is in that pipe and what kinds of fields it is emitting but you can buy a gauss meter and see for yourself?
here is a link to check some out.
The best way without testing is just to keep as far of distance as often as you can. So build your living space away from it as best you can, OK?
And as for the bedroom – yes, it sounds like you understand the idea perfectly! unplug to get a good night’s sleep and stay healthy!