Resolving legal issues quickly and fairly. Nobody wants legal troubles, but if you’ve got them, I’ve got a “ritual” for you!
It’s from my Make a Shift, Change Your LifeBook. I call it the “Plan The Party” Ritual. It is a way to shift your energy from constantly connecting to the drama and loathing of the opposing party (a downward energy spiral to nowhere) to a positive energy of completion.
Are you ready for it? Here goes. You simply plan an “It’s all over and we liked the outcome!” party. That’s right. You simply plan a REAL party.
This technique requires you to place your mindset out into the future and decide how you want to celebrate its “fair outcome” completion. You aren’t wasting time on revenge, (negative spiral again!), you simply want it resolved fairly and perhaps by a specific date.
If this was all over by your desired date and it was resolved fairly, how would you celebrate? THAT is the party you are going to throw NOW. Yep, you will most likely throw the REAL PARTY well before it gets resolved in real time, but you have started a giant energy ball rolling in the right direction instead of having it eat you up worrying and wrenching by constantly ruminating on the negative.
I have had SEVERAL clients use this ritual during circumstances that “looked hopeless,” and had it resolve to their liking WAY SOONER that it was ever supposed to according to court dates and other legal timelines.
So, is it paper plates or china? Live band or DJ? Catered or BYO? Is it a party for a big group including your attorneys or a fancy dinner with just one friend? Get those invitations out and tell everyone (or not) about how you are pre-celebrating. (I’ve seen it work both ways.) Literally do whatever you would do to celebrate your victory.
And if you EVER catch yourself milling over negative thoughts, make yourself devote twice as much time planning the party to counterbalance that backward momentum.
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Hi Karen,
I have followed you for years and I need your help with an ongoing Legal matter. (Inheritance that is going on 5 years) Please advise best way to connect. or simply support @ karenrauchcarter . com
I’ve got great statistics on the outcomes of legal issues. Bring it on. 🙂