“All good things come in threes.” – Folk Saying
Feng Shui, Addiction and the Power of Three-
I had a client who was at her wits end with someone in her life that suffers from addiction. I was inspired to create a “3-Harmonies Cure” for her based upon the feng shui “Bagua” map and the Serenity Prayer. It was a very powerful day for her as we worked on making her home as serenity and wisdom-generating for her as possible, so she could see these troubles in her life in a new way that could be something other than debilitating to her.
I thought I’d share this simple yet powerful feng shui cure, as I’m sure there are many people out there that are searching for a way to resolve their chronic, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, and possibly find serenity in the midst.
In feng shui, there’s a special way to arrange your environment called a “3-Harmonies Cure.” It takes into account three of the nine possible parts of the feng shui map called the bagua in a way that, if you drew a line and connected all three, a triangle would be created.

“The One engenders the Two, the Two engenders the Three and the Three engenders all things.” – Tao Te Ch’ing
Although you can orient this triangle of cures over your entire home, to make it easy for many who are new to feng shui or have a confusing home shape, I’m recommending that you work this triangle of cures in the rooms that you live in the most often.
To orient the three on a room (or the entire house, or a desk, etc…it can be used anywhere) place the blue, black, and silver boxes along the wall that has the main door on it.
First, go to the front right area from where you enter. This area is called the “Helpful People Gua” also known as “Heaven.” Place something made of metal there, or a symbol of a “Higher Power” here like a small deity picture or statue that resonates with you. Intend that this symbolize the part of the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Next, go to the center back part of home or room which is the “Fame and Reputation Gua” which gathers courage energy. Light a candle, or perhaps place a picture or are piece or something that includes the sun or stars in it for fire energy with intentions of gathering courage. Intend that this support the second part of the prayer:
The courage to change the things I can
Finally, go to the front left-hand part of home or room, which is the “Skills and Knowledge/Wisdom Gua” and place something that you feel is related to having wisdom..It could be a book, a picture of someone who feel is wise, or some other symbol of wisdom to you, or even a few rehab center brochures that you might be looking into before choosing the best one for you or a loved one. Intend that this support the final line of the prayer:
And the wisdom to know the difference
In addition to this 3-Harmonies Cure, I’d suggest doing a few other environmental changes (I see these all the time in my “addiction” client’s homes):
- Obviously, remove drug paraphernalia.
- Remove anything with skulls, skeletons, skull and crossbones on it or anything that appears to have a connection with death from the home.
- Remove weapons either in art or in real life — or at least place them in a part of the house that geographically sits in front of the home’s front door.
Remove any dried flowers, potpourri, dead or dying plants, pet or people ashes, or any art that has symbols of anything wilting, dead, or dying.- Remove art/photos that include people that died a tragic death – ESPECIALLY if that death included drugs or alcohol, or the art or photos include drugs or alcohol it them. People like Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Any of the Rat Pack, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and even Princess Diana I take out of my not-so-happy clients…(I can’t think of any time when I saw these kinds of things INSIDE happy homes! And I’ve seen these lots of times!)But every tension of opposites culminates in a release out of which comes the “third.” In the third, the tension is resolved and the lost unity is restored.” – Carl G. JungAnd finally, get a metal box and place it in that front right-hand “heaven” area. Write down a thank you note to your higher power or anyone that you think can help you with this situation. Your words sound like your serenity has already been granted. Place that thank you note in the metal box in the “Helpful People area” and let it draw that energy towards you.I hope this helps you find the serenity that can be yours if you are willing to choose it.If you are interested in finding out more about the bagua map and other ways to enhance your home or workplace, go to www.moveitwithkaren.com, or read my book Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life. Here’s the first chapter to get you started: Read the first chapter of move your stuff, chang your life
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