1. Free up access to the front door. Get anything out of the way between the street and your door that does not add to the beauty and liveliness of the entryway.
2. Clean or freshen up the entire area between the street and your front door – and as long as you are cleaning it, hold your intention for being on the perfect life path the entire time you are cleaning. Remember, energy follows thought!
3. Add water either right outside or right inside your front door. This is the element that holds the energy you want the best. If it is moving, so much the better.
4. Make sure you are in the most powerful position in bed, at your desk, and wherever you sit in a room. That means your back is to a solid wall and you have a good view of the door to the room or space. Avoid windows at the head of the bed and chairs facing away from doors always – if not always, at least during this transition time.
5. Create space in the career gua of your home with the intention of allowing the perfect energy for you to enter. The career gua is the front and center part of your home. For example, if your door is right in the middle of the front facade of your home you are entering the home in the career gua. Keep this space clean and clear.
BONUS. Wash any windows, doors, screens and any other glass in this area as well. We want a clear path to our new future!