Question: Is there any feng shui meaning to an unusually high incidence of broken plumbing pipes in a short amount of time? I’ve got things breaking right and left in my home and I’m at my wits end trying to figure it all out.
Answer: Water running out of the pipe’s control in a house can mimic emotions running out of control with the people (or even one person) living in the house, so I would start to investigate if anything particular has happened in someone’s life that may have caused an emotional upheaval. The classic cause and effect situation for this is grief. If someone is grieving over a loss (can be a person, pet, job, marriage, friendship, etc.) it can trigger an energy that translates into “the house crying,” or, the water element “out of it’s banks.”
Perhaps an enhancement in the family and friends gua (wood element, green, photos of family and friends, etc.) with intentions of creating emotional harmony within could be helpful. If that doesn’t feel appropriate, perhaps an enhancement in the skills and knowledge gua with the intention of gaining insight as to how to harmonize your emotions and feelings may do the trick.
When my father unexpectedly died, the pipes in my mother’s house hammered and clanked violently for about two days. I remember asking my mom if this was normal (I live out of town and didn’t know if this had been going on for a while or what) and everyone else in the family said “NO!” at the same time. Perhaps that’s what happens when the plumbing is strong, but there is overwhelming grief and tears suddenly in a house. And in my mom’s case, as oddly as it started, it went away on it’s own. So I would do a little internal investigation on what feels like a loss and see if anything can be done to alleviate that mental or emotional condition.
(If you are familiar with “tapping,” or Emotional Release Techniques, that may be one way to help fears and other emotional upheaval.)
I have also seen many sudden leaks or pipe breaks as a type of “clean up” due to the introduction of a lot of feng shui intention for a revitalized and energized home. In this circumstance, the home literally breaks at the weakest links all at once. And as much as it appears to be a bad thing when it is happening, it is actually a good thing in the end because the house literally gives up its weaknesses all at once. And once they are fixed, it retains a much stronger hold on the good or vital chi that you have intended to hold for a much longer time.
So, if you have recently powered up your home with lots of good intentions or have found yourself in a grieving state of mind, your house may have had the need to “relieve itself.”
My house experienced so many problems that we had to leave. Plumbing, foundation, roof, flooding, mold, sewer, water supply – endless.
Sometimes a fresh start can be a very fast way to change your chi that’s for sure!
Yeah, six months later. We don’t have a permanent place anymore. No fresh start, just gave up owning anything. Even the new stuff kept breaking. It made every day life very hard. We stopped going places and doing things because we racked up debt replacing stuff. Even the car got broken. Most of my worst nightmares came true. I moved to a place I never wanted to live. Was forced to make choices I did not want to make. We could not overcome or rectify the things taking place.
I’ve had my radiator leaking and making noises in my bedroom corner after starting to get in to a new relationship. I was single for 5 years so this is definitely new and also a bit weird. I feel like that corner of my room needs a little better flow, or something.
hopefully once things are strong and repaired you will see an upturn in the strength of relationships!
The water pressure in my shower was awful in recent years and no plumber could fix it.
Then at Christmas my sister was home from Spain and we had a massive row in the kitchen next to the bathroom and she went home again and the water has been flowing better than ever before since then…we still haven’t made up but the water is still flowing powerfully.
In fact, it’s why I’m on this website now!
Good observation! Energy is everywhere! Keep that throat chakra “in-the-flow” and stay authentic and it appears things will flow for you 🙂
I have found this article very helpful. Water leaks & grieving makes sense. Now to figure out how to heal myself and the leaks. After Niece was killed 9/15/2021, father passed 5/25/2022 and cousins husband passed 2/27/2022. After my husband passed 11/27/2018 both my children have been distant. This summer came home to 3 pipe leaks sounded like a shower. After 2 we’re fixed I found the 3rd. Last night by bedroom window started leaking loudly, this morning all dry and ok. Going to bed rinsed my dishes and heard dripping under the kitchen sink. Oh and I didn’t mention the plumber was here again cause my water bill was high agsin and it was toilets, new inners for toilet making loud noises, it’s stopped. New toilet upstairs and tightened up inners in 3rd toilet. Yes I’m grieving for many but feel I’m healing – I want my house to heal too❤️🩹
We have lived in 2 homes now, 1st home we started having pipes leaking. Now, there was a law suit against the company that made those pipes. However, it wasn’t just that, we had flooding. Sump pump mail function and water spewing like a fountain.. this was over maybe a 10 year period. I’m am very sensitive to emotional connections to things and sometimes sense these things before they happen. Now, we have been in our new home 4 years, we have had 3 pipes leak in 3 different areas of the house. 1 after the other, a water heater went bad and wayer issues again. Now, just the last 2 weeks I’ve noticed wierd markings from ceiling growing down the walls in our powder room. I’ve mentioned it to my husband and he thought it was just imperfections in the painting as it has just recently been repainted. Today it’s raining and those walls are worse, not wet necessarily but clearly dampness. Last week I had a dream of our house flooding. So I honestly was alittle freaked out because when I have these moments or dreams they happen. Each times those other leaks happened in this house it was myself that thought I better go check an area in our basement that we don’t frequent and all 3x it was just that a leak that was found by me always when husband is traveling. What, if any, is connected to an emotional situation? All the leaks can obviously be explained away. However. We have had friends even comment of this wierd coincidence. Any help or advice would be appreciated. I might add my husband lost a brother 3 years ago in a sudden tragic way and these water issues began 2 years ago approx.
This is why we work through our emotions and get our house as feng shui friendly as possible! If you don’t know where to start then go to the front left hand area of the house and place something that reminds you of widsom or discernment to get the right healing strategy to come to you…hopefully you have emp.oyeed some things from my books Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life and Make a Shift, Change Your Life. Good luck…or join my Move Your Stuff with Karen Program so you can send in pictures and floor plans and chat live..??
This was so interesting to read. I leaned on a water regulator by accident while I was cleaning something up. The pipe came directly out of the bottom of a water tank. The water sprayed like a high pressure hose straight to the ceiling. My husband and I are separating after 23 years of marriage, we have lived in this house the whole time. Even though it broke because of me, also the marriage is ending because of me. I do believe the house could be grieving. I hope life starts to get easier soon. I hope our house feels better now after a good cry. Thank you
I sure hope so too.
Yes, change is inevitable…but if we see every change as having potential to take us to a better future even if we can’t see it at the moment, chances are in your favor that it will.
If your wolf microwave oven is not heating your food, you can consider the care will help you figure out the cause of the problem and how to solve it
The day my partner ashes arrived home, I had to go out. To come home to the ensuite pipe burst, flooded master bedroom.
Had plumber come out put isolation taps on to all areas under sinks
Two weeks later I had small pubble in the kitchen.
At work I pipe busted in our security corridor near our monitor room.
And that is why I choose to tell my clients to create a ritual for releasing teh ashes and a cure for the “wisdom” to cope with grief and how to still create a life worth living. Sorry for your loss and I hope you have the courage to move forward (fire element in fame and reputation gua helps with that!)
I caught my now ex husband cheating for years as we broke ground on a the home he wanted to build. I had to suck it up and finish the build that took over a year to complete. We had an ice dam leak and flooded the master bedroom on a 2 million dollar home 4 months after moving in. I always suspected and imagined that there mist hVe been a meaning behind this. I had been suffereing immense grief that had been held back.
During the divorce process, alot of clogging pipes and drains happened at other places I lived. Water backed up during that time. What is the meaning of that?
I’d read that as the emotionally stuck feelings just before and as you are trying to break free. I have seen that same thing of clogged systems play out in the person’s body as well as their home. What’s going on in one level is usually going on on other levels. 🙁
Thank you for the article it’s helpful.
This evening I cleared the fruit offerings for the Chinese New Year wealth god. I put the dishes into the sink and suddenly the new water pipe recently placed bursted with cold water that gushed on the kitchen floor and went up to bedroom.
I feel my house is reviving because I put a lot of Feng shui intentions especially to improve my income and find new work. I also booked two appointments to see flats in the next days as I also wish to move. Maybe this house feels sad about me going…. But I feel moving is for better! Maybe definitely better wealth prospects. What would this mean?
Oh yes, in response to big changes I see weak links breaking all the time. You are on a roll! Success stories are aabout to happen for you!
I often see “weak links breaking” once strong intentions for a new future are made…so congratulations – sounds like things are moving forward as planned, oddly enough!