“For the last several months, I have been dealing with a very troublesome noisy neighbor situation. I love my apartment, and in all the years I’ve lived here, I had never had a neighbor problem until last fall, when a couple of very social guys moved in next door. They immediately began to have noisy parties nearly every weekend. Their party space was a large deck, located about fifty feet from my bedroom (our houses are VERY close together).
I tried a variety of approaches over the months to help these guys understand my need for sleep…to no avail. Letters and calls to their landlord, letters and calls to them…nothing really worked. A few weeks ago, while reading your book, I read about “deflecting” the energy of (as you called them on page 218) “sucky neighbors.” I put a mirror in my bedroom window, facing outward. This mirror has special meaning for me: it’s from the home of an aunt whom I loved very much. Seeing the mirror reminds me of her house, a place where I always felt safe and happy.
Within a few days of putting the mirror in the window, I received an e-mail from a police lieutenant. This officer had been brought into the noisy neighbor situation after I wrote a letter to my neighborhood association. In his e-mail, the officer stated that he had met with my loud neighbors and “read them the riot act.” They have been quiet as MICE for the last two weeks. Not even a loud conversation out on the “party deck.” Wow.
Can’t wait to put some other cures in place and see what happens!”
Remember, mirrors can do several things depending on your intention:
1. They can erase – like when you have a wall too close in front of a doorway you can add a mirror to “push that wall back.” Make sure your whole head is reflected in this one!
2. They can double things – like when you want to have eight burners instead of four for a prosperity boost – you add a mirror near the stove to reflect the burners. A little one will do here – perhaps 4 to 6 inches in diameter.
3. They draw in – like when you want to bring in a room that is “outside the bagua.” I’d say an average is about 8 to 12 inches in diameter for this one.
4. And they deflect – like when you have “sucky neighbors.” I usually try to deflect them away from the farthest point I can. If you have a yard around your house and you are trying to keep away the obnoxious neighbors, then put the mirror all the way out against your fence at the property line! If you can’t to that, just up against your interior wall facing out towards their house will do.
My neighbor is not noise. He is my abusive ex-husband!!!!!His apartment s windows are exactly in front of mine. Our apartments have exactly the same design.
I would love him to move. We avoid each other at the laundry, the garage and the garbage place and he always keeps his windows and shatters shut.
I will put the mirrors.Thanks
Hi Silvia, i can imagine the stress are you going to. Have you put the mirror – did it work? I have an ex too that is horribly abusive and interfering in my life and we live in very near. Thx Natasha
If you are confused by the house and can not get a professional to help, I’d suggest using the bagua over each room individually.
Hi Karen,
My ex is very verbally abusive and violently interfering in all manners of my house, although he has his own. Sometimes even scary, as he just shows up and checks and then criticizes or angrily comments on that i don’t know what i am doing and all my friends are idiots. Are there more powerful solutions than mirrors or maybe even something that magnifies mirrors that can keep him away from my house. Thank you
The saffron orange color that the Tibetan monks wear is a great color for creating boundaries…perhaps adding some of that in your home would help you create boundaries in life. Of course, unhooking yourself form the dance of negative energies is a good thing. Write a thank you note to the universe for handling this situation and then GRATEFULLY add it to your helpful people box (the metal box talked about in chapter 6 of my book Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life) and then ASSUME that they universe is handling it for you so there is no need for you to worry about it anymore – thus cutting off your energy from feeding the pattern.
Hi Karen
I am also having problems with my neighbor’s dogs that bark all day. They are not barking at anything. My neighbor is a hunter so he doesn’t feel the need to give the dogs any attention and just leaves them outside. What type of bagua mirror should I use?
Deflect them away from your property facing the neighbor and also place their names in a metal box saying “thank you for only being helpful in my life (or whatever you want to say)” and place that box in the front right-hand area of your home or a room.
Thanks, Karen, for your answer, I also having a trouble with my neighbor, Have one year they move in. Last 3 months they got 7 pitbull dogs, These dogs are driving me mad, they are barking 😡 morning, evening midnight I was looking for any kind of Feng Shui cure to push my neighbor and their dogs out. Because I bought my place 3 years ago and do not want to sell it.
Do you think this mirror cure will help,? Thanks very much
yes, AND you can double down on cures by hanging a chime somewhere between your house and the noise. You’ll get a shift somewhere/somehow with these. Be sure to indend a pleasant, quiet neighborhood when you do!
What would be the best way to reflect neighbors who live directly above?
Most especially away from my bedroom – theirs is directly above mine…
Thank you so much!
BTW.. your books are wonderful
a mirror face up on top of a tall shelf or on top of a tall piece of furniture with intentions of deflecting the off your headspace will be a great solution…I joke about having a hat made with a mirror facing up for this situation, to give you an idea of the goal. A mirror higher than your head face up pushing them away.
Can you please tell me what to do about really bad neighbors? They’re really toxic, they fight all the time and they’re animal abusers. They killed one of the cats In the cat community I take care of. Animal control didn’t do anything, it’s as if they’re protected by something, I just wish they’d move away
I’m in a situation where the neighbors behind me (I see them from the back of my house) are always creating problems for me (harassment) and that the noise harassment in the front of my house is orchestrated by these people. Since the noise in the front of my house is extremely troublesome (and preventing sleep at times), I initially thought of putting a convex mirror on the front of my house. But since the source of it is due to the owners of the house I see from my back porch, should I also put a convex mirror there as well (a mirror on both the east side and west side – facing out)?
I’d say experiment and see. The deflecting mirror should be between your house and the noise. Also, you can hang a chime in the yard between the house and noisy neighbor as well for an alternative solution. 🙂
Hi, I am looking for larger feng shui mirrors, 6 or 12 inch.
Any Idea where to find and purchase some?
I have heard places that sell center pieces sometimes have mirrors to put center pieces on. or Amazon type sites or perhaps a new age store that has feng shui cures.
Hi! Is it necessary to hang a mirror high enough so it is above our fence? I would like to hang a mirror outside our house, facing the neighbors directly across the street from us. The place I would like to hang it is not higher than our fence. Would the energy reflect off our fence, right back at us? Or does it go through the fence and still work on the house across the street? If I had to, I could hang it higher. It’s just not ideal. Thank you so much.
hang it wherever WITH THE INTENTION of deflecting them away. Intention trumps placement in other words…You could even lean it up against teh fence facing them. 🙂
You could hang a mirror on the wall facing the neighbors in your house and hang a picture over it so no one else even knows it is there!
Help. Yes, neighbors from hell. 2 yrs of constantly barking dogs. I spoke with them about it, they “made me pay” with bright light constantly flashing at my house, back yard dog playing / barking at 10 pm/ etc. I called police. They retaliated. Their yard floods, mine didn’t. They diverted the water into my yard. Constant bushes/ trees dying. Massive erosion. They lie to the police, better than I tell the truth, evidently. So I’M the “anti-Christ”! Tried to break down my front door. Police asked me why didn’t I answer it? Hello? Ten minutes of fist pounding? My dog was on the front porch, covered in sutures from recent surgery. They came out and taunted him. Upset the sick dog to aggravate me… and they laughed. Unbeknownst to me, every time I said “please don’t”, they DID more intense. Being energy sensitive, I avoid cameras unless legally necessary. 35 yrs with only 2 pics taken of me. They took pics of me. I told them not to. GAME ON! Security cameras into my yard. I have a massive amount of yard/ gardening work to do. I wear a hoodie with hood up… in the heat. They have damaged my high end fence, then told the police that the fence is on the property line, showed them MY survey stake and said THEY paid for it. Uh, fence went up 2 years before they moved in. How does that work? I have not used my large living room (no family room) in 3 1/2 yrs. I live in a 50 sq ft room opposite them. No longer sit on porch, play ball with dog in yard. Sleep deprivation for years with major chest pains. 4 hours sleep AT MOST a night for 3 years. The flashing light was changed to the cameras. USED TO sit on front porch with dog, meditate on back porch at sunrise, function during the day (exhausted), sit in my living room, enjoy my new fireplace (1 year the winter they moved in…. four years ago. I read that because I have a 2 story house, and they’re one story, that is not good feng shui. I’m 64 yrs old. I will NOT regain my health or finances or damage to my property/house (house is sinking, walls cracking from the water! Code said “sue them”. $350/hr lawyer? And with severe sleep deprivation, how am I working?). Tall bushes between yards to block cameras will cost $15,000! Not in this lifetime! HELP. PLEASE. I’m sick, I’m tired, I’m trapped. No energy or money to move from a home I spent 4 years painstakingly and lovingly rehabbed,including landscaping. (NO contractors). Alot of long days of hard work… and this trust fund baby 30 something and his TRULY narcissistic mother (who does most of the harassment, but doesn’t live there!) is destroying me.
https://karenrauchcarter.com/move-your-stuff-with-karen-membership/ join in on eht live calls (you can unsubscribe anytime so the first two calls are free) and send in pictures to discuss…OR chapter 6 of my book Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life https://karenrauchcarter.com/get-my-books-on-amazon/ is all about GETTING THE HELP YOU NEED. Hope that helps!
How/where should I put the mirror if my neighbors live upstairs from me in a condo?
Above your head somewhere like on a top shelp in the kitchen or on top of a big armoire faqcing up!
What about noisy and nosy downstairs neighbours? Does the mirror need to be above head height, but facing down?
The mirror should be placed between you and the noise – so in this case, under a piece of furniture on the floor facing down.
I would really appreciate your help. I have loud, inconsiderate, ignorant neighbours. The adults are loud, the children are loud as are the 3 dogs.
My home was once peaceful and calm, in the last 2 years they have been here I only have peace when they go away on holiday. When I have visitors they are quiet once the visitors go and they know I am on my own they return to being awful.
The back of their four bed house faces the back of my house and our gardens are aligned with only a fence to divide us. Their outside lights are LED and are bright enough to light up a football pitch. When they put these on the back of my home lights up outside and inside. Their fence is not 6 foot and they look over into my garden or their children leave food in my borders. They have a swimming pool which the father then encouragest he children to scream constantly and when not using the pool and just the garden the father will encourage the dogs to continuously bark by teasing them and wind the children up.
i am curently making a board with mirrors to place at the windows in the upper hallway and bedroom to bounce back the light. but I am unable to do this on the kitchen and patio doors at the back.
My previous neighbours of 3 years were lovely. I have purchased today your bookMove your stuff and would be most grateful for any advice.
yes, mirrors facing them at your property line hopefully deflecting them away as well as possibly adding a hanging chime somewhere between the noise and you!
My neighbor across the street are not bad people but I notice a shiny object in their house this past holiday. Turns out it’s a mirror facing my front window. What do I do? It’s bothering me whenever I open my front window seeing that big circle mirror.
Well, you can put on facing back in their direction if you want to be more obvious – or else you can place their namens in your “helpful people box” that I talk about in Chapter 6 of my book! (Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life – assiming you know if it here?)
Hi, I would really love some help! I am being bullied by a family of four living next to me in an apartment, they are on south east wall, which is my best direction! I accidentally have a yoga mirror at the end of a hallway on their wall, and a television in my bedroom on that wall to sleep. Their walkway to the stairs is in front of two windows in front of my apartment the North east, my worst direction. They slam doors and try to torture me on purpose on this wall. What can I do to protect that southeast wall and the north east front entrance where they walk in front of my windows. If this mirror is opening up some type of polehole into their apartment, I would love to do anything to end this and protect myself. Thank you so much!
Sorry I didn’t see this sooner. join the call and send pictures so i can really see what you’ve got here, OK? The first month is free so join, get on the call and unsubscribe if you want – no worries on that!
I live in a condo and have a neighbor whose front door opens directly across from mine. She has very negative energy and is always directing negative thoughts and actions towards me. What type of bagua (concave or convex) should I purchase and where should I hang it? If I put it directly above my front door ( 69 degrees East facing) it will face towards her door. I have an option to hang it on the wall to the left of my door, which would still face her door but not directly into her condo. Another choice is the adjacent wall (169 degrees South facing) that faces towards the walkway/entrance to the condo doors.
Secondly, I overlook a beautiful farm with green meadow grass and apple trees. This part of the condo faces 69 degrees East. Can I also hang a bagua facing this to help attract the beauty and good energy from this farm?
Thank you for your help!
above the door will work either inside our outside – as long as it faces their door. I’d love for you to join in the Move Your Stuff with Karen calls and send in pitures so everyone can learn from this and I can talk about mirrors and the whats and where’s of them if you can: https://karenrauchcarter.com/move-your-stuff-with-karen-membership/ join (first month is free and then you can unsubscribe after you get your answers or keep listening in for other tips and to ask other things about your places) while sending in pictures and floor plans so everyone cal=n learn from everyone! Hope to see you in the zoom calls! My answer on the other things is that I like to start with what changes in your life that you want to know what specific cures to do….make sense? the better info in the better and more successful the cure that comes out of me! LOL
I took one inch octagonal peel & stick mirrors that I found on a small sheet at Michael’s and placed them onto various exterior places of my home that faced my sucky neighbors windows and front door porch ateaa. Within nine days, three of the four sucky neighbors had moved, and I fully expect the fourth will soon. I really was just aiming at the houses to the right and left of me, but it became two houses deep on each side so far. The more the better. This is a horrible crime-ridden neighborhood and I would like it to returned to somewhere worth coning to. I’ve been wanting to try this for a long time and let me tell you it has been incredible! I couldn’t be happier.
So glad you took a chance on a simple feng shui fix for a very bothersome problem! Now it sounds like its time to develop/dream up your ultimate future a little tighter so you can feng shui create that!
I soooo need this! I have NEVER, EVER encountered an evil, nasty, possessed person like the psychotic freak living next door! It’s unnerving, actually! Can I put those little mirrors attached to my interior blinds- facing her house? I’m thinking of putting sage plants out thete, too!!!! She is evil amd awful!!!
yes you can! Give thank to teh universe for finding the feng shui cure for your situation! 🙂
We have a neighbor that lives 4 houses down from us. They are liars and fossipeds and have bad mouthing us to mutual acquaintances in order to alienate us and our children. The woman especially is a gossiper and habitual liar but is very good at networking. Their children bully our children and any attempt at resolving the issues we have with a conversation immediately turn into her deflecting and taking 0 ownership. Would really love for them to move as they are very negative and toxic but as mentioned, that are not directly next door. What can we do?
This is the cure for that – but you have to be intentional and trust that it will work! Give thanks that you found the cure!
Hi, I really need some help we live in and apartment and the upstairs neighbors are the worst they have 2 kids who bang and jump all day and night the parents walk around slam doors move furniture and don’t go out ever or take there kids out get packages deliverd everyday even groceries they dont work and are in a program where there rent is paid we even tried to tell them and they laughed what can we use we
Use the mirrors face up. Place them higher than your heads like on the top of tall furniture or up high in shelves. As you do this, visualize your home being peaceful and also give thanks for this issue being reolved. And if you have read my book you can place the neighbors names and the management etc. in your metal “helplful people box” in the front right-hand part of your home. The more you celebrate (in your mind or real life) that it is all completed and ended up well, the faster it will happen. Continuing to complain and be frustrated will bring about more of that…so mind your mond OK?
Hello. I’ve lived in my condo for 24 years. There a neighbor who is on the condo board of directors, who is persistently harassing me. Complaining about everything I do. I am 76 at this point and just want to live and let live. She creates a speed bump in my joy. I avoid her at all times because of her behavior towards me. Her energy is dark, negative, and bossy. Never apologizes or regrets her actions. How can I use the bagua to ward off her evil arrows. We cannot hang anything outside our doors (her new rule), therefore I wouldn’t be able to hang it above my door. Please can you help with a solution. Thank you. 🙏 ☮️
I’ll give you the same cure as the other person above: Sit down and write her a gracious thank you note for her new willingness to stay out of your life. Place that thank you note in a metal box in the front right-hand area of your house or a room in your house. Do a mini celebration that the universe is going to handle all this now and you no longer have to think about it or worry about it. 🙂 Get in a good frame of mind – like gratitude – to do this please! no grudges are happening while you write!
Thank you for all the great information. its too bad there is an abundance of bad neighbors.
My difficult neighbor is directly across the street from me. He puts his vehicle at an angle so the headlights face me. all garden gnomes are pointed to me as well. he piles garbage in his yard directly across from me..lots and lots of things. .it has goes on and on for years, I did actually have a restraining order (as many others have as well) ow instead of threatening he clearly has his sights on me. Nothing I can really report to the police (yet). I like my home and neighborhood and would like to stay. it wears me down. I put up a small mirror in the window of my door.. I placed a fountain out front, wind chimes and crystal prisms in each window. now he shines a pin light at the mirror when I’m at the front door to reflect into my eyes. He stays behind curtains and tarps, but by the things he does, demonstrates that he is watching me.. I have now moved the mirror to the wall next to the front door (facing him). Any suggestions of how to shift this energy.
Sit down and write him a gracious thank you note for his new willingness to stay out of your life. Place that thank you note in a metal box in the front right-hand area of your house or a room in your house. Do a mini celebration that the universe is going to handle all this now and you no longer have to think about it or worry about it. 🙂
Another question as I lean into Feng Shui. With mirrors empathizing what they reflect, is there a worry that the negative energy from a neighbor would be enhanced with a mirror faced towards them?
Thank you
Every s=cure that you do in the physical world is only HALF of the cure. The intention behind it is the other half. Mirrors do many things depending on your intention. Tell that particular mirror to DEFLECT the negative energy back towards where it is coming from for example! Good luck!
Is any mirror okay to use, if not what is the best kind to use? (Want to use it to deflect energy from noisy neighbors)
Yes, you are using teh law of reflection for this one so no need for a bagua=shaped one or anything! Good luck.